Sulami Natural Slimming Medicine (Losses Natural)

Sulami Natural Slimming Medicine (Losses Natural)

Sulami (Losses Natural) Herbal Slimming proven herbal body can lose weight quickly, safely used for men and women.

Products "Sulami (Losses Natural)", an herbal supplement with two properties in it, namely to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight ideal. You can prove yourself, with this supplement your weight will go down 2-3 kg in less than three weeks, unlike other slimming supplements promising instant you lose weight but trigger dangerous side effects, these supplements are safe for consumption and gradually lose weight without side effects,

Efficacy Sulami (Losses Natural):

1. Lose excess weight without side effects,
2. Lose your weight, up to 5-15 kg within 2 months only.
3. Shaping the body to be ideal and sexy
4. Suppress appetite, reduce cravings, keeps the body slim.
5. Burn fat, excess fat in the body
6. skim CHAPTER


Dutch identity (Guazumae ulmifolia Folium)
Meniran (Phillanthus ninuri)
Turmeric (Curcuma demestica)
White pomegranate (Punica granatum)
Curcuma (Curcumae Heynianae Rhizoma)
Lime (Citrus aurantifolia)


1box contents Srip 3x5 @ 2kapsul (30kapsul)

Order drink:
To lose weight 1 capsule 3 times daily, 30 minutes before eating.
To help keep the weight Drink 1 x 3 days, 1 capsule.

The use of these products must be accompanied by:
* Drink according to the rules because this is not a 100% natural herbal
*drink a lot of water
* Regular exercise
* Diet low in calories and low in fat
* For ulcer sufferers taken after meals, and mixed with an ulcer drug that is safe
* Do not consume in a period of more than 6 months
* In case: headache, palpitations, abdominal pain, and allergy medication then immediately stop taking this medication

Consumption is prohibited for:
For diseases of hypertension / high blood pressure,
For chronic ulcer disease,
For heart disease
For pregnant and lactating women
POM TR. 073 372 961

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