Samuraten Capsules For Gout and Rheumatism (Original)

Samuraten Capsules For Gout and Rheumatism (Original)

Samuraten Capsules is a PJ Akar Manggis product which is well known for being able 
to treat gout and rheumatic pain. rheumatism and others.

Benefits of Samuraten:

treating gout, both new and chronic, relieving pain due to gout, lumbago, 
rheumatism, lowering cholesterol, treating stiff muscles, treating toothache, 
treating chikungunya, treating itching and allergies, etc.
Samuraten Capsules

Samuraten Capsules

Packaging: 1 box contains 10 sachets with each sachet @ 4 capsules
Samuraten capsules are produced by PJ Akar Manggis

Read the Drinking Rules, not to be consumed every day, not to be consumed by children, 
pregnant women and people with kidney and liver disease.

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